Frankie Apothecary's love for indigenous ingredients recognised September 21, 2022 Frankie Apothecary are delighted to announce our Win for Best Use of Indigenous Ingredients in the Best of Natural Awards 2022.
Playful pathways to learn te reo Māori September 13, 2022 When I rolled up to the community kapa haka group at my daughter's school, I didn't want to be the un-co one who constantly got the actions wrong. From my...
Blending the Pepper Trees - Horopito & Kawakawa Body Oil August 18, 2022 This beautiful natural body oil limited-edition blend with extra 'spice' is a skin soothing superstar with an extra protective boost thanks to Horopito's powerful anti-fungal properties, which have been used traditionally and also...
Dealing with the Covid-induced nose rash August 04, 2022 A streaming nose is a common symptom of Omicron and many flu's, and it doesn't take many boxes of tissues to inflame the sensitive skin beneath your nostrils. Kawakawa Balm to...
Natural vapour rub - relief from winter colds & congestion July 10, 2022 We have such fond childhood memories of inhaling the soothing scent of eucalyptus as mum gently smoothed on a chest rub to help us breathe through a winter cold. This winter, we’re lovingly...
Matariki and Winter Wellbeing June 21, 2022 This beautiful time of Matariki, with its bittersweet combination of maumahara (remembering) and new beginnings can sometimes evoke a lot of emotions. Missing those we loved and lost, cherishing treasured memories,...
The Inside Guide to Psoriasis March 18, 2022 If you know psoriasis, you know the tell-tale red lumps that appear before patches of scaly dry skin spread and skin becomes sensitive, itchy and may crack and bleed. If...
Are your eczema issues heating up? Here's why January 25, 2022 Do you find the worst eczema flare ups happen in summer? Read on! We'll cover a range of causes for summer eczema issues, and explain how to minimise eczema flare ups...
The ultimate guide to good sunscreen application January 10, 2022 'Slip slop slap wrap' is a great reminder to slip on your shades, slop on your sunscreen slap on a hat and wrap up in a shirt... but the reality is...
Beautiful Bakuchiol - Nature's answer to retinol December 15, 2021 Enter Bakuchiol, the antiaging skin care star for sensitive skin. Plant-based superstar Bakuchiol is a gentle retinol alternative that delivers all the glow and anti-aging skin care goodness of retinol - without...
Eczema help for babies August 30, 2021 Ways to help care for eczema in babies. Learn triggers that can cause baby eczema to flare up, and natural products for treatment of baby eczema. From Kawakawa Balm to...
Parenting for Mana Atua - Seven aspects of creating wellness in children July 28, 20212 comments Mana Atua - Wellbeing Isn't wellbeing something we all want for our children? But wellbeing is such an all-encompassing concept and it's easy to get worn down by the daily...
Matariki - a catalyst for change, and a reminder to remember June 16, 2021 In midwinter, the beautiful star cluster known as Matariki appears in New Zealand skies, signaling the beginning of the Māori New Year.
Understanding Rosacea & How to care for your sensitive skin, naturally May 24, 20212 comments Rosacea may be prompted by a variety of different triggers and it is important to note when you see the symptoms flare up to learn what your triggers are, and...
The living journey of a natural brand – Frankie Apothecary’s story February 03, 20211 comment In the early morning hours, a young girl wakes crying with painful eczema, and her mother runs to find her daughter’s delicate skin bleeding. It's a common story, and with...
Meet the power botanicals in Replenishing Kakadu C Facial Oil December 16, 2020 Antiaging & skin soothing Replenishing Kakadu-C Facial Oil We set out to create a facial oil that delivered truly effective skin care, and at the same time, was very gentle...
Eczema care: BePure's Ben Warren on healing eczema from the inside September 04, 2020 One of the most common symptoms or issues Be Pure sees in clients at their clinic is eczema. For some it is a mildly annoying patch of dermatitis that hints at other...
We love supporting natural New Zealand brands - and you can win! July 18, 2020 New Zealand is famous worldwide for snowy mountains, waves rushing remote golden sands, and forests alive with birdsong. Our people have a reputation for being friendly; forthright; with a practical...
Kawakawa Balm and Eczema - How can it help? May 26, 20202 comments It's an awful moment when you realise that those itchy, red patches on your baby or toddler's cheeks, chin, or chest have become irritated, and that you have eczema in your...
Winter Immunity & Natural Tips for Good Health April 13, 2020 As nights get colder and mornings chilly, we instinctively look for that snuggly top, an extra blanket and begin to crave hearty soups. There are really good reasons that we...
Nano vs Non-nano particles in natural zinc-based sunscreen - what's the difference? March 11, 20202 comments Zinc is an ingredient in the majority of natural sunblocks because it provides sun-blocking action by absorbing or reflecting harmful UV rays away from your skin. Frankie Apothercary uses non-nano zinc, but we've got all...
Greenwashing, hype, misinformation & discombobulation! March 11, 2020 Frankie Apothecary customers want to help create a healthier world, use less harmful products, and to avoid harm to other creatures. We absolutely love these goals and share them with...
A vision to preserve the whenua January 20, 2020 During our summer holidays on the East Coast, we met the inspirational kaumatua, businessman and visionary, Wi Wanoa. Wi’s aroha for the whenua has turned into a passion to preserve the...
Consumer rates Frankie Apothecary Natural Sunscreen as SPF38.4 November 21, 20192 comments Over summer, one of our favourite products in the Frankie family is the Natural Sunscreen with Antioxidants. Since it was developed in 2016, it’s been so popular especially with Mamas...
Finding ways to wellness in a busy world October 19, 2019 We've been thinking about mental wellbeing and how a focus on work and schedules can have you rushing madly through the day. How many special moments did you find? How many reasons to...
Kiss chapped winter lips goodbye with Lip Calm September 08, 2019 We love spring with longer warmer days... but there’s a good chance winter has left a legacy - dry, chapped and wind-worn skin. The delicate skin in the lip area is...
Working for a waste free world July 17, 20191 comment There is a beautiful saying "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are". We are passionate about reducing waste in the ways that we can.
A warm hello from Georgina - Frankie's new owner! June 01, 20196 comments Kia Ora, I’m Georgina. I’m excited to introduce myself and my husband Matt as the new owners of this incredible company.
Creator Michele passes on the Frankie Apothecary business May 27, 2019 Frankie Apothecary bloomed from Michele Wilson's search for a way to soothe her daughter’s eczema. Now the thriving business has a new - fantastic - owner!
All Natural Kawakawa Balm - What ISN'T it good for? March 26, 20195 comments Because our Kawakawa Balm is NZ Made and 100% natural, as well as being jam packed with mystical actives like the amazing pain-blocker myrsticin (really!), antiseptic eugenol, antioxidant lignins, minerals and vitamins, this all...