A clever Kawakawa Repair makeup hack

A clever Kawakawa Repair makeup hack

A little while ago we had an awesome wāhine helping us out at Frankie Apothecary. She introduced us to a new use for Kawakawa Repair, one we hadn't considered before. 

Her skin, especially around the eyes was very sensitive so she used her Kawakawa Repair as a rich balm to remove her eye makeup!

Removing even the most stubborn eye makeup

When gently massaged over the eye area, the oils in Kawakawa Repair help to breakdown even the heaviest eye makeup. Much like an oil cleanse, oil breaks down oil and works a treat for concealer, eye makeup and sunscreen which often have a high oil content.

Once the balm has massaged over the area and the makeup has blended into the balm, simply wipe the area with a warm, soft cloth to remove it. Repeat if needed. 

A huge plus with Kawakawa Repair is that it's fragrance free so gentle enough for the delicate eye area. 


And for those dealing with hayfever, and the itchy eyes that come with, use Kawakawa Repair over the area to soothe and calm the itch and hydrate the area. 

Kawakawa Repair has so many uses, these are just a few. Checkout out the long list of other uses here

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